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20 Fruits & Veggies To Add To Your Meal Plan This Fall

Fall is here, and if you're anything like us, you're eagerly awaiting cozy sweaters and the bountiful harvest of hearty seasonal produce. 

As we celebrate National Fruits and Veggies Month, we thought, what better time to explore the rich and hearty tastes and traditions that autumn offers? Whether you're a seasoned chef or a curious kitchen novice, there's no better season to dig into the season's best and sprinkle in a dash (or scoop!) of our just better.® prebiotic fiber. Ready to take your meal planning to the next level? Grab your shopping list and hit the produce section of your grocery store, or better yet, visit your local Farmers Market! 


Pumpkins - YaY! 
Origin: Central America
NutriNotes: Rich in beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, promoting healthy vision and skin. 
Prep Inspo: Roasted with a sprinkle of herbs or blended into a creamy soup. Don't forget a scoop of just better.® fiber!

Origin: Central Asia
NutriNotes: A great fiber and vitamin C source, supporting digestive and immune health. 
Prep Inspo: Fresh slices with almond butter or baked with a sprinkle of cinnamon. If you really want to savor the flavor, try our just better.® Apple Berry Baked Oats recipe!! (Omg!!) 

Brussels Sprouts 
Origin: Mediterranean Region
NutriNotes: Packed with vitamin K, essential for bone health and blood clotting. 
Prep Inspo: Roasted with olive oil and garlic or shredded into a fresh salad.

Butternut Squash 
Origin: Mexico and Central America
NutriNotes: High in vitamins A and C, essential for immune support and skin health. 
Prep Inspo: Cube and roast or puree into a heartwarming soup.

Origin: Western Asia and Europe 
NutriNotes: Pears are one of our highest-fiber fruits! Enjoy juicy pears to help promote a healthy digestive system. 
Prep Inspo: Enjoy fresh or poached with a hint of vanilla.

Origin: Ancient shores of the Mediterranean 
NutriNotes: Contain betalains, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 
Prep Inspo: Roasted with herbs, blended into a vibrant smoothie or a colorful and flavorful salad topper! 

Sweet Potatoes 
Origin: Central and South America 
NutriNotes: Abundant in vitamin A, promoting eye health and a strong immune system. 
Prep Inspo: Baked whole or mashed with a hint of nutmeg, cubed sweet potatoes are an awesome addition to stir fry! Give it a whirl!  

Origin: Western Asia 
NutriNotes: Rich in calcium and fiber, supporting bone health and digestion. 
Prep Inspo: Fresh with a little drizzle of honey, or add them to your oats! 


Origin: North America 
NutriNotes: High in antioxidants, particularly beneficial for urinary tract health. 
Prep Inspo: Homemade cranberry sauce (try our just better.® Holiday Cranberry Sauce!) or blended into smoothies.

Origin: Eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor 
NutriNotes: A superfood filled with vitamins K, A, and C, and a great source of minerals. 
Prep Inspo: Sautéed with garlic or as a crunchy kale chip, blend into smoothies, or add to your scrambles and stir fry!

Acorn Squash 
Origin: North and Central America 
NutriNotes: Loaded with vitamin C and potassium, supporting heart health. 
Prep Inspo: Halved and roasted with fresh herbs or stuffed with quinoa and veggies.

Persimmons (though they look like tomatoes, they're not!) 
Origin: China 
NutriNotes: High in vitamin A and manganese, supporting eye and bone health. 
Prep Inspo: Sliced fresh in salads or dried for a chewy, sweet snack. 


Swiss Chard 
Origin: Mediterranean Region 
NutriNotes: Packed with vitamins A, K, and C, essential for bone, heart, and immune health. 
Prep Inspo: Sautéed with a splash of lemon juice or mixed into a hearty stew.

Origin: Ancient Asia Minor 
NutriNotes: High in vitamin C and choline, which supports brain health. Prep Inspo: Roasted with spices, turned into "rice," or blended into a creamy alfredo sauce. Or try our Recipe of the Week: Roasted Fall Veggies with just better.® Dijon Maple Glaze! 

Origin: Iran to Northern India 
NutriNotes: Rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which can boost the immune system. 
Prep Inspo: Seeds sprinkled on salads or juiced for a refreshing drink, add them to smoothies, or sprinkle on top of savory dishes for an added flavor note! 

Origin: Northern Europe and parts of Asia 
NutriNotes: Provide vitamin C, promoting skin and immune health. 
Prep Inspo: Roasted with other root veggies or mashed like potatoes. 


Origin: Southeast Asia 
NutriNotes: A good source of vitamin C, fiber, and potassium, promoting skin, digestive, and heart health. 
Prep Inspo: Sliced thin for salads or pickled for a tangy, fermented treat.

Origin: Near East 
NutriNotes: Loaded with antioxidants, particularly resveratrol, known for heart health benefits. 
Prep Inspo: Eat fresh, frozen for a chilly snack, or add to salads.

Origin: Southeast Asia 
NutriNotes: Rich in fiber and antioxidants, supporting heart and digestive health. 
Prep Inspo: Grilled with avocado oil and garlic or layered in a savory ratatouille.

Origin: Middle East and the Mediterranean region 
NutriNotes: Packed with vitamin A and essential for vision, immune, and skin health. 
Prep Inspo: Sautéed or incorporated into a leek and potato soup. Bring on the soup!

As we wrap up our flavorful journey through Fall's finest, we encourage you to explore, experiment, and, most importantly, enjoy. Not only do these fruits and veggies burst with flavor, but they also come packed with nutritional benefits! 

JBB Inspo Tip: Make things even more exciting this month! Why not throw a themed dinner party or a weekend brunch showcasing your favorite fall produce? From persimmons to pumpkins, there's a story to tell with every dish. 

National Fruits and Veggies Month is the perfect opportunity to venture out of your comfort zone. And, as you indulge in these fall treasures, remember that a scoop of just better.® fiber seamlessly blends into any dish, ensuring your gut is as happy as your taste buds. 

So, let's toast to good health, delightful dishes, and a season bursting with culinary adventures. 🥂 Cheers to a fiber-filled Fall! 🍁 

Live… just better.®!

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