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JBB 5-Step Meal Prep

Many people look at the beginning of a new year as a fresh start toward a healthier diet and lifestyle. To make lasting changes, we strongly recommend establishing new routines around your food choices.

Our top tips are to create a weekly meal plan and shopping list and to designate a prep day, so you don’t get derailed when you hit a bump in your weekly schedule. Those are the times when we reach for overly processed, prepackaged foods that are filled with sugar, salt, and chemicals. 

Meal planning and prepping can be FUN! Thinking ahead when it comes to your food choices is critically important for reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. This also ensures your body has what it needs to thrive! Not sure where to start? Here’s our simple 5-step planning process. 

JBB 5-Step Meal Prep 

Step 1: [Realistically] Plan Your Meals: 

A meal plan takes the guesswork out of “What can I eat?” once and for all! (Talk about a stress-buster!!) Meal planning also helps to ensure you are getting enough essential vitamins and nutrients like fiber! 

Think about what you typically expect from weekdays versus weekends or days off. Are Tuesdays always hectic? Do you need something simple for that day? 

Plan according to your work/life balance; be realistic and mindful. 

JBF TIP: Adding just better.® fiber to your routine will help you reach your fiber intake goal of 30 grams per day.

Keep your just better.® fiber container visible in your kitchen. Use it for cooking, baking, and adding to your beverages. 

Step 2: Create
Your Shopping List 

Using your Meal Plan, create a shopping list with the full intention of sticking to that list whenever possible. This is great for your budget too! 

Buy what you need and use what you buy!  

Step 3: Pick Your Prep Day 

Prepping meals for the entire week will take some time. Schedule it. It might be on the same day you do your grocery shopping or on a Thursday afternoon. 

Pick a day that fits your schedule and stick to it! 

Chop, dice, slice, cook, and sauté your way to a smooth week ahead! Less stress and little mess during the week is like a gift you give to your future self! 

Step 4: Get Your Loved Ones Involved 

If it’s just you, tell family and friends what you’re up to so they know you’re keeping a schedule to meet your new healthy living goals! (This will help with accountability too!) 

If you are prepping for your family, enlist them in the process. Get them involved in every aspect of your family’s new healthy living routine! 

Learn ways to incorporate flavors and textures your family enjoys. 

For families with children, hands-on experience in planning and prepping nutritious meals is a lifelong practice they will carry with them for their entire lives. What a gift! 

Step 5: Have a Plan B

Even our best-laid plans can get derailed. When life gets hectic, and obligations or responsibilities get in the way of your healthy living plan - Be ready to employ your Plan B. 

One option is to always have a healthy quick meal option you can turn to in the freezer. Or if Tuesdays are typically tough - set up a healthy prepared meal delivery for Tuesdays once or twice a month.  

 Lastly, if you fall off track, give yourself some grace. Perfection does not exist! Do not give up! Simply pick up where you left off and begin again. New lifestyle changes will challenge you.  This is your chance to rise to the occasion! 

Live just better.®