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Ultra-Processed Foods: 10 Eye-Opening Facts

A blurred background of a supermarket aisle with a grocery cart with green accents in the center-view.
Navigating your local grocery store can feel like an obstacle course filled with ultra-processed foods at every turn. From breakfast cereals to ready-to-eat meals, these products have infiltrated mainstream diets at the expense of our health, particularly our gut health and brain function. In this week’s blog, we’ll explore ten compelling reasons to ditch these foods for good and embrace more fiber-rich, whole, unprocessed foods. 
A blurred background of a supermarket aisle.

What Are Ultra-Processed Foods? 

Understanding the difference between ultra-processed foods and more basic processed items is crucial for making healthier dietary choices. Here’s how they differ:

  • Basic Processed Foods: Examples include some dairy products like plain yogurt and cheese, canned vegetables with no added sugar or preservatives, flash-frozen fruits, roasted nuts, and pasteurized milk.

    These items contain minimal ingredients and undergo simple processing techniques designed to preserve freshness and nutritional value without adding harmful additives.

  • Industrial Creations:

    • Extracted Substances: Includes oils, fats, sugars, starches, and proteins extracted from their natural contexts (e.g., high fructose corn syrup from corn).

    • Derived Components: Ingredients altered chemically or structurally (e.g., hydrogenated vegetable oil used in snack foods).

    • Synthesized Additives: Chemicals that enhance flavor, color, and preservation (e.g., artificial sweeteners and flavor enhancers in sodas and candies).

  • Key Characteristics of Ultra-Processed Foods:

    • High Levels of Additives: Significant amounts of sugar, unhealthy fats, and salt.

    • Chemical Enhancements: Includes preservatives and artificial flavors that enhance palatability and texture.

    • Extended Shelf Life: Products are designed for long-term storage.

  • Common Examples and Their Appeal:

    • Soft drinks, packaged snacks, ice cream, and processed meats like sausages and chicken nuggets are engineered to be highly palatable and convenient, often resulting in addictive qualities to encourage frequent consumption. 

A blurred background of a supermarket aisle with a grocery cart with black accents in the center-view; a text overlay reads: Health Complications.

Health Complications Linked to Diets High in Ultra-Processed Foods

Diets dominated by ultra-processed foods are a significant driver of a multitude of serious health complications. These foods are typically low in nutritional value yet high in chemicals and additives that wreak havoc on our health. 

Here’s a closer look at the cascade of negative effects they trigger:

Cardiovascular Health: The overload of sugars, unhealthy fats, and excessive salt in ultra-processed foods directly contributes to the development of cardiovascular diseases. These ingredients promote hypertension and disrupt blood glucose and lipid profiles, increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. The persistent strain on the heart and arteries from these dietary choices is a major concern for long-term heart health.

Endocrine System: Chemical preservatives and additives found in these foods can interfere with endocrine function. This disruption can lead to hormonal imbalances that precipitate metabolic syndromes, including type 2 diabetes and obesity. The endocrine system, critical in regulating metabolism, mood, and growth, becomes compromised under the constant assault of these artificial substances.

Gut Health: Ultra-processed foods lack fiber and essential nutrients, elements crucial for maintaining a healthy digestive system. This deficiency leads to gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and contributes to systemic inflammation. Chronic inflammation continually taxes the body's immune system and triggers various autoimmune diseases and certain cancers. 

Cognitive Function: Perhaps one of the most alarming impacts of a diet high in ultra-processed foods is on cognitive health. Research has shown a disturbing link between diets high in ultra-processed foods and an increased risk of mental health issues, including depression and anxiety, as well as neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. These foods, often devoid of essential brain-nourishing nutrients, may exacerbate oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain, leading to cognitive decline over time.

The pervasiveness and convenience of ultra-processed foods mask their potential dangers, making them an urgent public health issue. This situation calls for a shift toward diets rich in whole and minimally processed foods, which not only support physical health but also mental well-being. 

Meal planning centered around natural foods can dramatically reduce the risks associated with these industrial products and lead to improved digestive and cognitive function. 

A light pink background with connecting dotten lines and paper colorful human figures placed on the surface.

Connecting Risks to Reasons

Understanding the health risks associated with ultra-processed foods is the first step. Now, let’s examine ten compelling reasons to reduce or eliminate them from your diet, each highlighting a significant benefit for your health and well-being:

  1. Reducing Inflammation and Oxidative Stress:

Ultra-processed foods are laden with unhealthy fats and sugars that can lead to inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which are enemies of gut health and cognitive function. Chronic inflammation is particularly notorious for its role in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

  1. Enhancing Memory and Cognitive Functions:

A fiber-rich meal plan centered on whole, unprocessed foods can enhance memory retention and cognitive abilities. Nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, abundant in whole foods, support brain cell regeneration and communication.

  1. Protecting Against Neurodegenerative Diseases:

Diets high in processed foods are linked to a higher risk of diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. By eliminating these foods, you reduce the intake of neurotoxic additives and excessive sugars that contribute to brain degeneration.

  1. Boosting Nutritional Quality:

Whole foods provide essential vitamins and minerals necessary for overall health, which are often absent in processed foods. This switch not only benefits your brain but improves your overall health.

  1. Promoting a Healthy Gut-Brain Axis:

The gut-brain axis is a major pathway through which dietary choices affect brain health. Processed foods can disrupt gut microbiota, while a fiber-rich diet can foster a healthy gut,  positively impacting cognitive functions.

  1. Increased Energy and Better Mood:

Processed foods can cause blood sugar spikes and crashes, affecting your energy and mood. Whole, fiber-rich foods provide a steady energy supply, keeping you alert and stable throughout the day.

  1. Better Weight Management:

Ultra-processed foods are often high in calories and low in nutrients, contributing to weight gain. A meal plan rich in nutrient-dense whole, unprocessed foods helps maintain a healthy weight.

  1. Lower Risk of Chronic Diseases:

Beyond brain health, eliminating processed foods can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers, thanks to the reduction of inflammatory ingredients and unhealthy fats.

  1. Improved Sleep Quality:

Poor diet choices, particularly those high in sugar and unhealthy fats, can disrupt sleep patterns. A natural, balanced meal plan can improve sleep quality, which is crucial for cognitive processing and memory consolidation.

  1. Environmental Sustainability:

Choosing whole foods over ultra-processed options benefits the environment by reducing the demand for energy-intensive food production processes and excessive packaging.

An array of healthy, unprocessed food surrounds a shaker bottle of just better prebiotic fiber on a kitchen countertop.

Get More Fiber With just better.® Prebiotic Fiber 

Recognizing the risks ultra-processed foods pose to heart and gut health highlights the need for informed dietary decisions. While the benefits of consuming whole, unprocessed foods are clear, ensuring adequate daily fiber intake often remains a challenge for many of us!

just better.® Prebiotic Fiber, a non-GMO soluble corn fiber, offers a simple way to support these critical areas. It mixes easily into any food or drink, helping stabilize blood sugar levels and improve gut health without artificial additives. just better.® is a practical solution for anyone looking to improve gut and heart health while supporting cognitive function. 


Choosing whole, unprocessed fiber-rich foods is a step toward a more vibrant and healthy lifestyle. With every meal centered around these nutritious ingredients, you're supporting your body's natural strength and resilience. Start making smarter food choices today to nourish our bodies and embrace the lasting benefits of wholesome nutrition. 

Live… just better.®!

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